Raspberry Pi case made from a 99p iphone 4 case
Posted by Mike Redrobe | Posted in Technology | Posted on 02-07-2012
Tags: raspberry pi
Tinkering with the popular Raspberry Pi, one of the first things you need is a case of some sort to protect it.
eBuyer.com are currently selling iphone4 silicone cases for just 99p delivered:
Silicone Case for iPhone 4G, Green and Black
99p including delivery in the UK
and you can probably buy them similarly cheap elsewhere.
It turns out these are just the right size for the Raspberry Pi to sit in:
There’s a handy cutout for Pi’s HDMI socket which happens to be in approximately the same place as the iPhone’s sim holder.
na, you need Heat sinks – on all 4 chips – and cooling (3.3v is fine) case… doesn’t matter, so odd that Rpi include a case but no Cooling in their ‘desktop PC’ when pi4 does not work without it.
As it will not poll remote mice or keyboard with fixing their 8 year old HID faults… Clearly home users on a Personal Computer are their top priority. Not the 60% nas/net market.