The great TiVo PVR records all the TV I could possibly want, but I sometimes still look at the TV guide to see if it’s worth getting up from sitting at the PC. Of course there are various TV Guide websites, but none of that is as convenient as a single click popup in your browser.
Here’s a Chrome / Firefox addon I wrote to show TV Listings with a single click:
This week I wrote another browser add-on for firefox and chrome, this time to keep track of your eBay watched items and sales in a handy window, accessible by a single click.
V 1.0
Track your eBay activity with a single click.
Opens a popup widget with your watched item list already displayed.
Bot balancing without gyros … for a few seconds at least
No gyros, no accelerometers – only a sonar ranger and lots of code.
The motors used are standard servos modified for continuous rotation, sonar sensor is a HC-SR04 as detailed in a previous post
Code ? Well here’s a simplified portion of the PID loop:
int Drive = 0; // PWM value sent to Servos
int Error[5]; // array of 5 Error elements
int P = 0; // proportional term
int I = 0; // integral term
int D = 0; // derivative term
#define Current 0
#define Sum 1
#define Last 2
#define SecondToLast 3
#define Delta 4
int PID() {
Error[Current] = SetPoint – Ptime;
P = Error[Current] * Kp;
Error[Sum] = Error[Current] + Error[Last] + Error[SecondToLast];
I = Error[Sum] * Ki;
Error[Delta] = Error[Current] – Error[Last];
D = Error[Delta] * Kd;
Drive = P + I + D;
Error[SecondToLast] = Error[Last];
Error[Last] = Error[Current];
Hooked an SR04 ultrasonic sensor to my arduino board – robot eyes !
Ranger sensor uses sonar to give accurate distance measurement to objects or obstacles placed in front of it. They’re surprisingly sensitive / accurate – I was able to reliably measure to a millimeter at 15cm range.
These sensors are also now VERY cheap £2.37 (4$) delivered from HK, and accurate to a few mm.
Added a servo for visual feedback:
Arduino code is basically sending a trigger on one pin, receiving a timing value on another,
which can then be converted into a distance:
An avid bargain hunter, I often keep an eye on for the latest deals,
and following on from my recent add-on for ebuyer’s website, I thought I’d make a more convenient way of checking the site.
Instead of opening a tab, this opens a faster mini version of the site on a single click:
It also adds the oft-requested feature of page numbers at the top of threads on the main site:
Much better !
So go get the add-on “Top UK Deals” for both firefox and chrome:
V 1.1.0
Opens a fully functional small version of the HUKD website
You can
– sort by date,
– sort by recently comments
– view/post comments
You can even post a new deal direct from the popup !
Also makes minor edits to the main HotUKDeals site :
– adds pagination box to the top of the comments page [ 1.,2.3…last]
Sometimes a website redesign loses useful features, this was the case recently when popular computer & electronics retailer updated their site.
Gone were long searchable list of products, with a limit of 10 per page, and no option to add to cart directly from the product list, which makes comparing products / mass adding a shopping list very laborious.
So like any good techie, I set out to fix matters by writing a chrome extension and firefox add-on to alter web pages on-the-fly to my liking, and bring back the ease of use.
EBuyer’s site without add-on installed:
Note the large banner before product results, and only 10 per page, now here’s with the add-on enabled:
and with add to cart buttons added:
Much better !
Without further ado, here’s the add-on “eBuyer Tidy” for both firefox and chrome:
V 1.0.6
Add to Cart directly on search / list pages.
Works with categories properly now and retains special offers
Forum link at the top
shows a selected number of products per page ( not restricted to 10!)
Removes the big banner before search results (leaves it on the main index page)